Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Bout of Books 11.0 read-a-thon TBR

-This is what Bout of Books is about (taken from the website)-

The Bout of Books Read-a-Thon was created by Amanda @ On a Book Bender on a complete whim in August 2011*. It took on a life of its own and was such a hit that Amanda decided to do it again and turn it into a somewhat regular occurrence.
  • Bout of Books is a week long read-a-thon, usually from 12:01am on a Monday through 11:59pm on a Sunday in whatever time zone you are in.
  • It is low pressure, meaning participants are only asked to push themselves to read more than they normally would during any given week. There is no competition between readers.
  • How much time a reader wants, and can commit, to read, tweet, or network with fellow bloggers is left to individual preference. All challenges and giveaways are optional.
  • Networking with fellow bloggers is actively encouraged, though never required.
  • Use Twitter to post updates throughout the read-a-thon. Everyone will be tweeting with the #boutofbooks hashtag.

I'm really hoping I can get through all of these books. Keeping my fingers crossed.

 This is tentative. I might add more on or take something off. Happy Reading everyone!! Good luck if you are participating!


  1. I'm (re)reading The Giver for Bout of Books too! :)

  2. Good luck! I've been thinking about reading I Am Not a Serial Killer for a while - hope it's a good one. :)

    Here's what I'll be reading next week

  3. Sagaaaaaa!!! It's amazing, I hope you love it. Oh, and The Giver is pretty great too. Happy BoB!!!
